Deltacron is being touted as a new virus

Scientists have identified 25 cases of hybrid strains caused by a combination of Delta and Omicron covid variants.

The hybrid strain has been dubbed ‘Deltacron’, and foreign media reported that the infected were first identified in Cyprus.

Leonidos Costerikis, a professor of biology at the University of Cyprus, said that the genetic structure of this hybrid strain was similar to that of the omicron variant and that its genome was similar to that of the delta.

Scientists say that although covid infection usually involves one type of infection, it is extremely rare. Scientists also say that the transmission of DNA through this hybrid virus could lead to the development of a more serious new type of covid.

Of the 25 people currently infected with the hybrid ‘Deltacrone’ strain, 14 are still hospitalized with covid infection, and the remaining 11 are community-based infections, according to Cypriot medical researchers.

Cypriot scientists have referred their findings to the International Database for further research into the hybrid variant covid.

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