Geetha criticises Diana’s proposal to legalise Cannabis

While criticising the proposal to legalise Cannabis in Sri Lanka, State Minister Geetha Kumarasinghe said women and children were suffering ten folds due to Cannabis and ‘Kasippu’ than social media.

She said this in response to a question by SJB MP Rohana Bandara in Parliament.

“Certain people campaign to legalise Cannabis in Sri Lanka. You go and ask how women and children are suffering when a Cannabis addict comes home. Women and children are suffering tenfold from ‘Kasippu’ and Cannabis than the social media in Sri Lanka,” she said.

State Minister Diana Gamage reiterated the need to legalise Cannabis growing as an export crop as a means to earn foreign exchange. She recently said the export of ‘Kasippu’ (illicit liquor) should also be promoted.

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