Venom of Honeybees destroy cancer cells

A PHD research study conducted by a researcher in Western Australia found venom from the honeybee could kill cancer cells in just 60 minutes.

As part of her PhD studies, Dr Duffy has tested the effect of the venom from 312 honeybees and bumblees from Western Australia and Europe on types of breast cancer, according to foreign media reports.

According to the Australian scientists the venom from honeybees has been found to destroy aggressive breast cancer cells.

It has been noted that the honeybee venom and a compound called melittin were used against two cancer types which are hard to treat.

The discovery has been described as “exciting”, but scientists state that further testing is needed.

Bee venom has previously been found to have anti-cancer properties for other types of cancer such as melanoma.

The study was conducted by the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research in Australia was published in Nature Precision Oncology, according to reports

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